Grace has heard the Good News! 

Now is the time to fulfill our mission with the help of God.  Grace Lutheran Church with Christ at its head who came to love and serve, has the following mission to perform;

* Grace stands united proclaiming God’s word, God’s love and God’s forgiveness.
* We are Strengthened through the Holy Spirit and the receiving of the Sacraments. Sharing God’s love and hope in the resurrection, the Church is united in one body 
* Recognizing the needs of our people, we are born anew to share and serve God through “Fellowship and Love”. 
* With Jesus Christ as our foundation, together, we can then reach with the love God has shown us to others, both in our local community and the world.

Through word and Sacrament and a sure foundation in Christ Jesus, we hope to improve our relationships with each other, so as the family of God, we may reach out to the community and the world around us. 
By the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the power of God and love of Christ Jesus, we are able to support and share His Good News with the world.